Audi Wheel Cleaner Gel - (16oz)

Part Number: EXD128002DSP
Supersession(s): EXD-128-002-DSP
View EXD128002DSP Audi Wheel Cleaner Gel - (16oz) Full-Sized Product Image

Acid-free formula that is safe to use on all wheel types. Carefully read additional information on back panel. Acid-free formula that is safe to use on all wheel types. E¬ffectively dissolves road grime and loosens brake dust.

Fits S5 (2008 - 2024)

Car Care, Cleaning, Car Care Chemicals

13 people have looked at this part recently


$ 15.24 CAD
Starting MSRP excludes taxes, installation, shipping, and dealer charges. Dealer sets actual price. Contact dealer for limited warranty, inventory level, and return policy details. View Warranty Info.
MSRP $ 15.24 CAD
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