Retrofit solution for the preparation for Rear Seat Entertainment - incl. holder for mobile devices

Part Number: 8R0051700A
Supersession(s): 8R0-051-700-A

You will need the seat attachment for attaching the player when retrofitting Audi Entertainment mobile. You can attach a player to both the driver and passenger seats if desired. The packages must be ordered twice in that case.

The mounting package contains:
- Holder
- Retainer
- Wiring set seat
- Connection cable set
- Screws
- Connection cable between driver seat and front passenger seat
- Cable ties

Fits Q5 (2009 - 2017)

2 people have looked at this part recently


$ 824.00 CAD
Starting MSRP excludes taxes, installation, shipping, and dealer charges. Dealer sets actual price. Contact dealer for limited warranty, inventory level, and return policy details. View Warranty Info.
MSRP $ 824.00 CAD
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