Audi Detailing Carpet Cleaner

Part Number: EXD123122DSP
Supersession(s): EXD-123-122-DSP
View EXD123122DSP Audi Detailing Carpet Cleaner Full-Sized Product Image

Superior degreasing and general cleaning ability. Safe to use on multiple surfaces. Specially formulated with high performing materials for superior degreasing and general cleaning ability. Safe to use on multiple surfaces. Good at removing coffee, wine, grass, ink, blood and pet stains, and general dirty soils. Superior degreasing and general cleaning ability. Safe to use on multiple surfaces.

Fits Q5 (2009 - 2024)

Car Care, Cleaning, Car Care Chemicals

7 people have looked at this part recently


$ 15.06 CAD
Starting MSRP excludes taxes, installation, shipping, and dealer charges. Dealer sets actual price. Contact dealer for limited warranty, inventory level, and return policy details. View Warranty Info.
MSRP $ 15.06 CAD
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