Rear diffuser with blade - for vehicles with single tailpipe on the left and right, primed

Part Number: 8K0071620D9AX
Supersession(s): 8K0-071-620-D-9AX; 8K0-071-620-D9AX
View 8K0071620D9AX Rear diffuser with blade - for vehicles with single tailpipe on the left and right, primed Full-Sized Product Image

Bestows your vehicle with the sportiness and aerodynamic properties befitting an Audi. The diffuser insert for the bumper is cleverly incorporated into the vehicle design and provides an even sportier look.


High-quality. Exceptional component quality.Dynamic. Sporty design.

Fits A4, S4

1 person has looked at this part recently


$ 735.00 CAD
Starting MSRP excludes taxes, installation, shipping, and dealer charges. Dealer sets actual price. Contact dealer for limited warranty, inventory level, and return policy details. View Warranty Info.
MSRP $ 735.00 CAD
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